Film Industry: Marketing - Marvel Cinematic Universe

Read this BBC article on the Marvel Cinematic Universe and answer the following questions based on the article:

1) How many films were there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) at the time of this article?

2) How much money have the MCU films made in total according to this article?
more than $18.2bn (£13.7bn) to date.

3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films?
Each tells its own distinct story but also connects with other films in the MCU, to tell an overarching tale

4) Who owns the rights to Spiderman and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?
 Disney, Marvel Studios, and Sony made a deal to share the Spider-Man film rights

5) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men?
Marvel studios

6) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service Disney+?
There'll be plenty more Marvel content to watch in future.
